Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chapter 4: Creating a Culture of Success

This is such a great chapter, it points out so many different perspectives of the treatment of students that teachers do and most likely do not mean to. "Don't compare us to other students" (67) I can not agree with this more. Not only do students strive to be known in high school, but it would be a huge put down if a teacher were to compare your work to another students, after he or she put all of their effort into it. When I was in high school I did not see this as a huge problem, but I can foresee this being a huge and hurtful problem if students were always being held to standards of their peers. Going along with message was a little excerpt for teachers to "stick with the kids" and not give up on them, we can not go by face value when it comes to dealing with high school students. They will do whatever it takes to be liked or be the person that they feel will make them cool and if we as teachers give up on them then we are to blame. We need to encourage and reach out to kids so that each and everyone of them feels that they have their teachers backing them up with education.

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