Friday, March 11, 2011

Maine Memory Network

The "Maine Memory Network" was a great resource that we can all use. Being a social studies major this will come in handy many, many times. I went on and looked at Hermon, my home town, to see what our history was like and it was amazing! Things have changed so much and I can not believe how many fires we had in the early 1900's!! I could use this in the classroom all the time, we could have the students compare and contrast the differences and make maps showing how things have changed or put on a skit after researching the history of the town and acting out the differences. I saw these examples from other school examples and so not only is this helpful in information but it is a useful tool to be able to think of fun lesson plans for the students in Maine!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to help someone use a computer

"How to help someone use a computer" is a very useful article for everyone because it helps people that are looking to help and also people that do not know things about computers. Something that stuck out with me is "if its not obvious to them, its not obvious" what an easy statement but it is so true. It would be so easy to judge a person that does not understand technology as much as we do and make them feel dumb. I can see myself say "well it is obvious".. and that would not help the situation at all it would just make things more tense and stressful. This will be something that i will tell myself often. An important rule "Never do something for someone that they are capable of doing for themselves" We are trying to help them, not do it for them. Whatever they are working on is their project, not ours.

I can use this information for the rest of my life. It is great for our class o be reading this because we will be groups and have to do projects with other students that may not know as much we know and we need to stay calm and be a resource that can help. We can always refer back tho the ideas and advice from this article.